Thursday, March 3, 2011

The quiet & small among us

Do to others as you would have them do to you- Luke 6:31. 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' - Matthew 25:40. I love these verses because they are a helpful reminder to keep me humble and to always put these verses into practice to the best of my ability everyday. If these verses are in my heart then I can guarantee they are on my conscience. Its like checks and balances to keep you from stepping on any one's toes and making you aware of the rules so you can enjoy your rights and be respectful and aware of other's rights and freedoms. I was at a local Pathmark today in Hackensack and I was shocked and sadden to hear that they are closing their store on April 15. For those who have the ability to get around better then I can via car, truck, van, or bus with a monthly bus pass. It's probably not going to affect them so much although it will be an annoyance at first. But what about the quiet and small among us? When you think of the quiet and small among us what thoughts come to our minds first? Babies, children, the poor, and animals? Those would be correct, simple, and legitimate answers. I would agree as well and would go as far as to say those groups in society would fall under Luke 6:31 in what the verse means and what Jesus intent was. Because in the books of Matthew, Mark , Luke, and John, Jesus used parables to teach us things so that we may better understand them in the simplest ways possible. The quiet and small among us that comes to mind for me are people with disabilities and the elderly. The disabled and the elderly would fall under the Luke 6:31 and what the verse means and what Jesus intent was. Let's think about this for a moment. You have many handicap and elderly who can and are willing to do whatever they can to be and remain competent and self sufficient to the best of our ability. But many disabled and elderly people have to depend on services or people to help them maintain their competency and self sufficiency. This is nothing to be ashamed of though since nobody is disabled or elderly by choice. Because no matter how well we try to live life at some point we all need help. People don't like getting old. And if you asked many disabled people I'm sure we would've made an appointment with God just to have a say in our creation and probably would've made God an offer He couldn't refuse! With the news of the pathmark closing next month it got me wondering if society is made for the quiet & small among us. Most of us are able to adapt to the best of our abilities. But for many on a fixed income or with limitations, convenience is one of the greatest aids to the quiet and small among us. It help us live better lives to the best of our abilities and helps us maintain the confidence in being self sufficient so that we can be apart of society and remain in our communities. But if society takes away convenience then the struggles in our lives will be even more difficult then they should be. I believe in my heart that if society adopted and applied Luke 6:31 and Matthew 25:40 to their minds and in their hearts to the best of their ability. I think the quiet and small among us would be  very thankful and would be humbly reminded that our God will never leave us nor forsake us. Because God is love. And what a difference love can make. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark, You write well. Do you think they even thought how closing that store would effect anything but their bottom line. Mary wants to know are there any other places to shop around your home? Maybe once in awhile you need a ride to go shopping? God is Love, and He rains blessings on the great and small.


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